Truth; I got your back

Truth; I got your back 

 Lately I've met lots of ladies who are potheads and when they ask me if I smoke and I tell em no they mostly feel uncomfortable. I laugh cus I've been involved with ladies who are chimneys, and most times I was the one getting the supplies and even rolling em up for them while my beer bottle beside me.

I don't smoke cigarettes or take any variety of weed or form of drug, I do alcohol only. Yes, we all have our poison and habits. I barely do spirits, rum, whiskey, vodka, cognac...I do red wine, champagne when I'm loaded, but more of beer instead, cus I understand my system and the importance of moderation.

I'm not fat, I'm skinny. Strong drinks and trees fucks my system up, it dries me up and leaves me looking unhealthy. To maintain my healthy looks I stay off smokes and certain drinks. I drink atleast a litre of water after every round of beer to properly hydrate and flush my system too.

In a relationship I don't have issues with ladies who smoke whatever, I've been involved with a few, but, the moment it starts fucking up your appearance, posing threats to your health and affecting your every sense of reasoning and judgment I must raise alarm and preach moderation or ask you to stop - in cases of abuse.

If that makes you uncomfortable around me and think I'm judgemental, it's fine. If that also makes you feel we are not compatible, it's super fine. There are guys out there who'll cheer you on as you get high, do all sorts of drugs and have bomb sex afterwards... It's totally fine.

If I don't worry over your total wellbeing then does that make me a good partner? You're a reflection of me out there as I'm also yours in every given time, being good ambassadors will be required. You can ruin yourselves but not on my watch.



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