Family Prioritization


For the men and the women they love.

A married person has 3 families.

First, their direct family. This is the family you were born into.

Second, their partner's family. This is the family you are marrying into.

Third, their future family. This is the family you will create with your partner.

Before i teach more on this, let me tell you a story.

Some time ago I read a story about a woman who bitterly complained about her husband wanting to bring his brother of 24 years into their one room. Just a single room oh. (They were married with 3 kids).

The man said he must bring his brother out of the village to the city.

She advised him not to bring the brother yet but rather he should try to finish up the second room (there was an uncompleted room) before bringing him but the husband refused to take her advice and did his wish.

I remember personally kicking against the man's decision but some arrogant guys called me names etc that's a man is this and that, that his decision is final.

Lol, I laughed because at that moment I knew their future wife is gonna be in serious trouble if they don't change.

Back to the story.

Weeks later she wrote back that the husband has finally brought the 24 years old guy to join them in that one room and now it's causing a very big problem in their marriage because they can't do their night shift again and also the man rates his immediate younger brother above her his wife's comfort.

This story is not to throw a stone on any gender but to help you under the teaching that follows it.

So as a man or woman read this and let it sink in deeply.

Before marriage, your parents and siblings are your primary duty, they are your number one priority so take care of them, spend how you want on them and treat them how you want. Do all you can for them.

But the moment you decide to get married, your partner and kids become your primary duty, they automatically become your number one priority.

Priority has changed. Now your parents and sibling become number 2 in the order of priority.

Your new family is the one you will live with for the rest of your life especially your wife or husband because when your kids grow up and get married they will leave you to make their own family just the way you left your parents and their priority changes too.

That's just life for you.

Am i saying don't help your parents or siblings when they need your help? Noooooo.

You are ought to help them but if that assistance will put your family at risk, if it will hurt your partner or kids then it's best you look for other solutions.

This is why everyone needs to be careful about the kind of person they are getting married to. If you marry a good man or woman they will even be the one reaching out to help your own direct family when you can't.

Sir, Ma. don't allow your parents or siblings to come in between you and your partner in marriage. Do all you can to find a perfect fit to handle external family members.

For men, If you can't treat your wife right as your own then don't marry her. Enough of this I am the man and my decision is final when it will hurt your marriage.

Men learn to first listen and reason with your wife before you make some major decisions, the Bible said to love your wife and that means you have to sacrifice a lot for her.

Some men see their wives as a threat or a slave. This is stupid because you lack understanding of what marriage is all about.

That wife that you want to maltreat, your mother you cherish was once like her. Your father married her, took care of her and that's how you came to be. Even if your father didn't take good care of your mom, will you allow yourself to repeat such a negative pattern?

For Women, Your husband and kids come first before your parents too. I know they are your parents, that will never change but the reality is that priority has changed. You can't afford to do things that will hurt your husband and kids just to look good before your parents.

You have to treat your husband right. You have to treat him like a king because he is now your head. You are no longer under your direct father. Your father might still have some level of influence over you but the Bible calls your husband your head once you say i do so that means you need to submit to him and also learn the skill of being supportive and not wanting your way out of selfish reasons.

In conclusion.

Before marriage, your parents and siblings are your top priority.

After marriage, your partner and kids become your top priority.

If you can't do this just stay unmarried.

Marry someone that will love your family as much as they love theirs and will also love the family you will create together.

Please let's not go about hurting the people we say we love.


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Profit Eneh.

(The picture above is mine)
***Precious Eminent ***


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