Change your Focus


In a meeting of mentors this morning - married and courting men in ministry. I heard a man say,

"I know my wife has a lot of issues, infact she seems to have new issues everyday, but we have been married for eleven years and I cannot tell you even one of those issues because I don't remember even one of them." 😭

This is what I call an intentional memory loss! Some people buy extra memory card just to store offenses. Father!!!😭

Another husband looked straight at the men in the room and said,

"I have a 'foolish' wife who occasionally forgets to flush after using the loo, and I am a 'foolish' husband who flushes her poo without remembering to attack her or make an issue out of it. We have been happily living 'foolishly' for Nine years."

😭😭 My God! I have been sober since morning. I have heard this said in different ways before, but I don't know why these words are hitting differently today. 

One husband even said,
"I have discovered that fighting with my wife and keeping the peace in my home takes the same amount of energy. Ensuring there is peace in my marriage requires the same amount of strength needed to prolong an argument."


Saying I LOVE YOU SO MUCH takes the same amount of energy needed to say YOU ARE VERY STUPID. So why should I focus my energy on the options that will not bring me any peace?

I don't even need to quote a scripture to make you understand this. I mean what are you really going to do? Are you going to be trying to make your cold partner hot? Are you going to keep fighting to make your rainy spouse sunny? How many years do you want to spend trying to change your slow and steady partner into a speed boat? But what you can change effortlessly, without stress, without pain, without any fight or arguments, is your focus!

Since I cannot change a forgetful partner into an Albert Einstein, why don't I just focus on their forgetful nature and be the Einstein that they need?

Since I cannot make my rainy partner sunny, who don't I just enjoy their rain and be the sun that they need? Oh God!😭

God said two shall become ONE FLESH. He did not say two people shall become THESAME.
The goal is for us to be compatible, not for us to be similar.

#confessionsofagoodman #allisonhyacintho #Jesusgang


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