If We Fail; Our Generation Fails

Ada had been my roommate during our secondary school days at Our lord Shepherd International School (OLSIS). She was raised in a home with high moral values likewise myself. She had made promiscuous friends in school few years back in the days. Her friends would always come to class late, speak to our teachers insolently. More especially the male teachers who have been caught on several occasions making love to them at the staff office whenever school had dismissed.
   I had called Ada uncountable times warning her against towing the paths of her friends but she would always say "do not worry Emilia, I am not easily influenced". This was always her reply. We had written our SSCE examination and were awaiting our results. This Monday was the day we had to go to a computer center to check for our results and proceed with the process of writing the Post UME entrance examination into the university. Myself and Ada had gone together to check our results.
   It was indeed a wonderful day for us both, we cleared our papers. While people at the computer center were congratulating us on our successes, Ugo walked into the same computer center. Ada and myself were amazed, Ugochi was amongst Ada's promiscuous friends back then in school. The sight was quite tongue tying. Ugo was pregnant. This was odd. No one knew she was pregnant before we left school. She came to check her result as well. We all exchanged pleasantries and waited for her as well.
   The moment her result popped up in the screen of computer, Ugo nearly fainted. The "F" on the screen was parrel. Christ lord! I screamed. She bursted into uncontrollable tears. We consoled her. We hadn't asked her who was responsible for her pregnancy. Suddenly she started her outbursts, 'it was teacher Amalu, it was teacher Amalu...' then sobs. What did teacher Amalu do to you? I asked. He got me pregnant and denied being responsible for it. Now I have failed my SSCE. She wailed continuously. Despite our efforts to effect her calm. She couldn't be comforted. But her weeping was shortlived when the owner of the shop came in and in turn started bashing on her.
  The man said all manner of terrible things to her; such was that she was the cause of her problems. "You refused to read your books and you willingly gave in to sexual pleasures back at school. Now you have failed in academics and moral ". After the man had finished his savage on her. I remembered how much I warned Ada, then I said to myself, if I had equally warned Ugo, she might have been able to escape this mess. Then I had an after thought, what if I had warned her and she never paid heed to my warnings.
   I was drawn out of my thoughts when the owner of the computer center started shouting at her to leave his shop as his shop was not a place to sympathize with visionless fellows.
Then it dawned on us all that we are young fellows who generations look up to. If we fail; our generation fails, I thought aloud.

Precious Eminent


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