*The Musings Of A Shy Man*.. 

I can't seem to be able to stop staring at the adorable woman on this page's dp..

Smooth, child-like, adorable, scintillating demeanour..

....with the kind of skin colour that can make the white man want to go dark..

....hair beautifully made like that of the overly angelic Gwen of Merlin..

.....the simplistic, yet celestial nature of your black dress reminds me of the little I know of Florence Nightingale.. Woman taught us what it means to possess a heart of gold. Same kind of heart I know you possess...

reminds of Grace, Aura and Purity.. Reminds me of the Precious I was in a bus with from Agbani after an exam.. The innocence..

......it reminds me of the time we laughed at one marketer when he became very dramatic and too descriptive about the examples he was giving while marketing his products...

....reminds me of our days at Melting Point.

....the days we would walk hand in hand, down the streets of Agbani and melting point like we had know each other for eternity..

Those days, I was sha very shy oo

God.. There are lots of things I want to say oo..

But make I just behave myself... So that it will not be heard that the first black man to blush is Chukwuemeka..

Good evening Sommy...

Chukwuemeka *** Sommy


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