
Showing posts from January, 2020

The Yellow Flags

THE YELLOW FLAGS⚠️⚠️⚠️ In this vocation, I help thousands of courting partners walk into a healthy Godly marriage everyday. One character I have soo observed to be consistent about God, even in my own season of courtship this few months, is how God is always fond of stylishly shinning His light on some areas in our relationship to bring to the surface those things that He wants us to work on in our marriage. Those things that are going to pose a concern to us, those things that are going to slow down our growth in marriage, He illuminates and pushes it out to the surface, trusting that we can read the signs and put on own work clothes. I call these signs "The Yellow Flags" ⚠️ I tell courting couples all the time, yellow flags are not the same as red flags🚫. Some always get very worried when they begin to notice some irregular behaviours in each other. One question I will always ask both partners is; are this irregularities marriage threatening? Can they be solved? Are ...


Children I stood in front of children to speak yesterday. I was torn by their obvious enthusiasm and my deep seriousness. In a bid to match theirs, I became a clown. and the more I screamed, the more they laughed. now, I have tears in my eyes. ©Debby Keys

Your Choice

Woe me I'm coy But with you I can be anything and everything Your Choice to make ... ***Precious Eminent *** The picture is not mine
It's not too late For the first time I knew my mind was made up I knew I was not under any influence. I knew that I had gotten to that road where I could not go back. Everything was ready. But he was a child. He forced everything on me. People had asked me if I was certain he was the one I want to spend the rest of my life with and I affirmed it. Now is not the time. This man would limit me. This man will stop me. This man will end my dreams. A man with nothing but his words. Nothing but his rod and impositions. He was the man with no considerations. He was the man they all left. He was he who diverted my dreams and all. He was the man I love. But he was the man I was afraid of. He was a man child who dominated He was the man child who took decisions by himself lording it on me and to me. He came from the past. I came from the present hoping for a glaringly beautiful future but he was the one who drew me and us backward. His timidity and complains threw me off balance whe...


SYMPATHY How sympathetic of you to be sympathetic Why sympathize when you are never sympathized If all you see is criticism It is only right for you to criticize your next victim They say one plus one equals two But me plus you becomes Us You see how I sympathized with your logic to gain trust Sometimes Choice can change our course sympathetically An old man that wakes to work faces a different challenge So does me, you and them; to sympathize is to quantify How weak to find it boastful to claim my “struggle” triumphs’ yours We all have the same 24; my intentions were never for me to endure We all have survived to live another day Either ways, it should not matter your pain Rather the journey, the experiences you overcame Serve food for thought; the fruits of your labour Life was never meant to be peaceful Only you plus I could start up a peace coup How sympathetic of me; such a wishful thinking It is only right for me to be sympathetic, for this ship of...
RaRaBa She refused all those that came to marry her because she wants a man from abroad or one who is based in Abuja and has a car. This is her choice! Men have been coming for her, but she is not interested because they are neither from abroad nor from Abuja. No sign that they even have a car. Finally, it is Christmas time and men from "abroad" and "Abuja" usually will come to the village looking for who to marry. "This year will be my year," she assured herself. So, she got herself ready for Abuja men to arrive. When rumor had it that a certain Charles popularly known as Charlo is in town and has been having an eye on her, she asked. "Where is he based?" They said Abuja. She smiled deeply. The time has come, she whispered to her small head. But one more thing is lacking. "Does he have a Car?" She asked. "We saw him with a car", they answered. At that moment, she grew butterflies in her tummy. She became h...